Town Mourns Passing of Long-Time Employee
Date Posted: Sunday, January 26th, 2025The Town of Magnolia joins the Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company in mourning the passing of Ralph Satterfield, long-time employee of the Town. Ralph was the go-to resource for Town history and helping us to address infrastructure issues. He will be sorely missed. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Credit Cards Now Accepted for Taxes and Water
Date Posted: Saturday, July 10th, 2021If you haven’t noticed on your recent water bills, the Town of Magnolia can now accept credit cards for payment of Town taxes and quarterly water payments. See the link on your billing notice and submit your payment securely online. No more mailings or drop-offs to Town Hall needed anymore. Of course, you can still submit payments by check as usual if you prefer. If you have questions, please submit them via our online contact form at 7/1/2021 Residents who pay Town taxes by credit card may also edit the amount being paid to receive the usual 5% early payment discount. Once you are on the bill pay page, refer to the invoice to see how much you will owe after the 5% discount is applied. Then, click in the field that shows the non-discounted price. You can then enter the after-discount payment you are making. Enter your credit card […]
Town of Magnolia Traffic Study Released
Date Posted: Friday, June 12th, 2020The Town of Magnolia is pleased to announce the completion of its Magnolia Traffic Study. The majority of the funding for the project was provided by the Dover/Kent County MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) with the remainder provided by the Town. The study was produced by the consulting firm Whitman, Requardt and Associates of Wilmington and led by consultants Adrienne Eiss and Jeff Reigner. The consultants kicked off the project by interviewing Mayor James Frazier (for general background on traffic issues, related information contained in our 2019 Town Comprehensive Plan and residents’ sentiments about traffic), and Councilman Buck Dougherty, who focused his responses on how traffic issues have impacted his fire crews at the Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company in his role as former Fire Chief and present member of their Board of Directors. WRA then spent many hours researching and compiling available traffic data on Magnolia and the surrounding area (e.g. […]
Spotted Lanternfly Resources Available
Date Posted: Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023If you notice Spotted Lanternfly activity on your property, you may find the following two links helpful. They are also available on our Links page: Spotted Lanternfly Brochure Spotted Lanternfly Checklist
Magnolia Joins National Flood Insurance Program
Date Posted: Friday, May 18th, 2018The Town received notice from FEMA that, effective April 5, 2018, its application to join the National Flood Insurance Program was approved. This means that town residents who desire to purchase flood insurance may do so through insurance agents or brokers licensed to do business in the State of Delaware. Per FEMA documentation, the Town of Magnolia is not located in a flood plain, but residents wishing to purchase the insurance may still do so. There is a 30-day waiting period after your date of purchase for the policy to become effective. Additional information, such as our notification letter and the FEMA Policy Issuance can be found under the Town’s website dropdown link entitled National Flood Insurance Program.